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Thursday, March 18, 2010 ♥ 4:50 AM

Wednesday, January 6, 2010 ♥ 5:41 PM

Blog maintenance is hard... Especially when I don't have much time to go online.

Anyway, few things I wanna say before I kill my blog.

1. My uni application is killing me. But it seems most unlikely that I will leave by February. So... YAY! Chinese New Year! Ang Pau! xD

2. To see her every day means falling in love again, and reminding myself that it will never happen. But the fact that my heart never changed, I don't hate it anymore. I just smile or giggle a little and watch the tears in my heart pour.

3. Following Family Guy... LoLz.. stupid cartoon.

4. Playing Borderlands, fun game. =)

5. Would really like to talk with a lot of people, catch up on lives. But schools started. So it's not possible.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009 ♥ 4:28 PM

I would like to talk and share my experience about working in Brand’s Outlet… For less than a month. Earning a salary of nearly RM700, and how I had my good and bad days…

First, I would like to mention about the faculty staff here.

We have :

Mr Yong – the BOSS (I seen him twice only. Nice guy.)

Grace – 2nd in charge (short, disciplined. S-C-A-R-Y)

Mindy – 3rd in charge (fierce, strict. Boon Yen and Jia Ping think she’s hot)

Winnie – Supervisor (nice, understanding, tries her best to please workers and seniors)

Then we split into multiple departments. We have Men’s , Ladies and Kids.

Jia Ping and I was placed in Men’s department (to our horror), since we planned to work and serve hot, gorgeous ladies in their department. But thank god that Men’s section was small, merely 100m in length only.

On the first day, we were introduced to Kak Maslina. Who is the leader for Ladies Department. However, she was responsible for teaching and guiding us on what we had to do and how to do it. She was very nice, taking us step by step. Skin color was not an obstruction or barrier at all.

Then I shall display the description of a few fellow workers from the Men’s Department below :

Nazeer – Me and Jia Ping’s hero. Plans to work FULL SHIFT daily just to cover financial expenses due to wedding. Nevertheless, very nice and understanding. Caring. Gay also, as in he can solo the whole Long Sleeves T-Shirt section. (Long Sleeves T-Shirt take a very long time to fold )

Shahrol – Awesome guy with Spiky Hair. Always there when you need help. Never forgets to make sure we’re alright with our job everytime he passed us by. He damn nice lor, lent me his Brown Adidas Jacket. So warm and nice. Stupid Brand’s Outlet, freezing refrigerator.

Tira – Started working after SPM. 19 years old and very good at her job. And talks a lot of crap also. Haha. Like my Malay sister only. Still remember the first day I had to take out new stock with her. I lost my voice after the Melaka trip and I did not talk to her much. She asked me if I was bisu… Now, all she says to me is , “Belasah you!!”

Jack – OMG. My favorite guy. From Sabah, an assistant-doctor ( aka nurse ) that is waiting to be transferred to Sarawak for his biologically related job. Leaving on the 23rd, I’m going to miss him as we had gone through a lot together. Very friendly. Bad habits? Use toilet time as smoking time to recharge battery. Lunch breaks as sleeping time on staircases. But all in all, a hardworking partner anyone would like to have.

Kak Norma – My department leader. I barely know much about her as she seemed strict and scary on the first few days. However, as I got to know her more, she is very fearsome. In primary school, she beat a guy… A guy!! She overpowered him and dapao-ed him. WALAU!!! But she does help us whenever we require her assistance.

Kak Azu – I only got to know her lately. Always complaining that she cannot afford to go on diet. But needs to as her husband prefers her slimmer. We share diet secrets but of course, I lied to her, telling her that I slimmed down from 60kg to 45kg (truth was 60kg to 50kg). I wanted to help motivate her. Hopefully she is able to overcome her weight issue.

There are some co-workers from my department who I prefer not to mention as I have minimal social interaction with them and therefore do not know them much… at all…

The only other colleagues from other department whom I know of is :

Kak Mas – (different from the one from my first day) a bit more plum. But guided us on few occasions and have her to thank for.

Nabilah – Another part timer who joined almost the same time as us. She’s from Kelantan and ………that’s all I know about her.

Julie – A Sarawak-ian who I really like, not affectionately but as a sibling. She this girl who is quite short, maybe 1 head shorter than me? But at least, 3-4 years my senior. She left on the 13th of December. I wish her all the best. The only chance that I had managed to talk to her (not regarding work) was when I bullied her showing my hand was way bigger than hers. However it was only later that she told me it was her last day. Too late to do anything. Busy with work… Than she left. T.T But she came back on the 17 to return her clothes. Don’t know why she kept calling my name, “KEVIN! KEVIN! KEVIN!” However, I’m glad to see her one last time and wished her good bye in a proper manner.

Haiqal – Oh… Oh… hehehe… xD Just want to say that he is GAY. As in really HOMO? Nice guy. Most gay guys are nice. Like the next person mentioned. He loves Jack, always giving him the stare and winks. Oh my GOD… *PUKE… xD Then recently, Tira said that he liked Jia Ping. Made me laugh non-stop. Till now it still makes me giggle at the thought of it.

Ezmaal – Probably the nicest guy around. He is one of the Board of Directors, same post as Winnie or Mindy I think. But he goes around the shop, helping around, discussing about problematic issues and shares his experience. Gay, but not 100% Homo… However, definitely someone you’d feel secure to be around with and a friend to trust.

And let me tell you, Lionel Messi’s twin brother was here. He came to Brand’s Outlet, and he wasn’t shy at all, he brought his whole family along. While Messi was accepting his Ballon d’Or award somewhere in Europe, Keluarga Messy came and destroyed the whole t-shirts section. Crazy wan. It’s like they played World Cup in Brand’s Outlet, with the squad members all named Messy. Then while we were folding clothes, I noticed something. There were three areas of the clothes and there was exactly 4 in the first area, 4 in the 2nd and 2 in the last. Formation 4-4-2. LoLz?

On our first day there, Jia Ping and I decided to check out the wide variety of T-Shirts in the front of Brand’s Outlet. The shirts are for guys and it is 3 for RM50. (it costs RM19.90 for one) There were 3 shirts that came to our interest. I shall tell you what they are.

  1. Brown Shirt with a Chicken in front saying

“Does my c*** look big in this?”

  1. Grey Shirt that said

“ -.- Your type makes me sick”

  1. Distorted Grey Shirt that (personally my favorite =) )

Had a picture of a screw in the middle and the words “You” below it.

However there are strict regulations and discipline working in Brand’s Outlet.

  1. Toilet break 15 mins. Need record time of leave and return in a book.
  2. Need punch card when working.
  3. Must be dressed in Orange Uniform, own jeans and shoes.
  4. 1 hour break for lunch and another hour for dinner.
  5. If late for work, no break is given.
  6. If no letter is presented on the absence of duty, fine is conducted.

During my working period in Brand’s Outlet, I’ve seen stressful even folding clothes are. Everyday, we have a target to reach, and never once (since me and Jia Ping joined) have we hit our target. But just so you know, the target is about RM20k – RM30k on weekdays and RM50k++ on weekends. Siao leh.

On most days, we take the free Ikano bus from Kelana Jaya station. Despite that, when we work afternoon shifts (ending at 10pm), we normally tumpang Chun Tat or Jordan’s car. Both of them drive car damn geng. Sitting Chun Tat’s car means listening and singing Michael Jackson’s songs. Jordan’s would be Westlife. Ah…. Classic… x) The whole car turns into a moveable Karaoke Vehicle.

However I would like to thank the people who came to visit. Of course they’d visit. Me, Jia Ping and Boon Yen were working in Ikano. They came to watch all three of us suffer. xD no lar.. kidding.



Yin Yee

Seng Tat

Uncle from Basketball

Khai Sim


My Parents

Of course there were those that I met during work. They did not know I was working there at all. Haha.

Ting San

Louise Tan

Chum Jia Da

I’m sorry if I missed out anyone’s name. But yeah. I guess that’s the figure, or the gist of it. I’m finishing work on the 25th, Christmas Day is my last day of work. Then I’ll kiss goodbye to all the hardwork and funny times we enjoyed. Happy working everyone. =)

Here’s how we do our Padini Cheers (have to do it daily)

Give me a “P”


Give me an “A”


Give me a “D”


Give me a “YES”


Give me an “I”


Give me a “N”


Give me an “I”


What’s it called?

Padini. (we’re collaborated with Padini, but we’re in Brand’s right?)

Who’s Padini is it?

It’s my Padini. (I own Padini? Wow… Full time workers at Brands get 40% off from Padini stuff next door)

Who is number one?

The customer always (we have to place our hands on top of our heads to form a heart shape)

What is our core value?

Caring from our heart always (now we have to make a heart with our fingers and place them at our left kidney there, isn’t our heart on top, next to our lungs?)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009 ♥ 4:05 PM

OMG.. my SAM results wei... I'm so dead....... SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!

Can I say SHIT a million times or is it the same if I say it once?

S H I T !!!!!!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009 ♥ 5:38 PM

Goodbye To You

Of all the things I believe in
I just want to get it over with
tears from behind my eyes
but I do not cry
Counting the days that past me by

I've been searching deep down in my soul
Words that I'm hearing are starting to get old
Looks like I'm starting all over again
The last three years were just pretend and I say

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought I knew
You were the one I love
The one thing that I tried to hold on to

I still get lost in your eyes
And it seems like I can't live a day without you
Closing my eyes till you chase my thoughts away
To a place where I am blinded by the light but it's not right

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought I knew
You were the one I loved
The one thing that I tried to hold on to

Ohhh yeah
It hurts to want everything & nothing at the same time
I want whats yours and I want whats mine
I want you but I'm not giving in this time

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought I knew
You were the one I loved
The one thing that I tried to hold on to
The one thing that I tried to hold on to

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything I thought I knew
You were the one I loved
The one thing that I tried to hold on to

We the stars fall and I lie awake
Your my shooting star

Sunday, December 6, 2009 ♥ 7:08 PM

Recently, I read P. S. I Love You for the fifth time.

And for the first time after reading it so many times, I decided to conduct a survey of my own. Just a random survey to see how people feel about things...

I messaged 3 guys and 3 girls asking them one question :

Will it be okay for a widow who used to love her husband more than anything to go out with other guys?


3 Guys said no.
3 Girls said yes.

But the question is rhetorical. It's contradictional.

It depends on individuals I should say. For me, I have no answer, no certain answer. Although I do hate the slight disloyalty that Holly have became. But for her happiness, why should she continue dreading over her dead husband..

And then I look at my Aunt's case. She loved her husband so much, she'd never find the same chemistry with any other. She'd rather be alone, living in the memories of him, till the day they reunite once more in the kingdom to come.

So, if you guys are free, just tell me what you think about the question I posted.


or No?


Next book to be reread...

Yes Man

Just a notification to everyone out there. The movie and the storybook contains two totally different story lines. Both equally funny with their own semantics. So please take time to read and watch them both. =)

Sunday, November 29, 2009 ♥ 8:35 PM

As you are reading this, press these keys on your keyboard: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, Enter, right click (mouse), up, down, and watch the magic unfold! =D Note: effect lasts only for current tab!


Sky King

Fully priveleged 17 year old
Deviant Artist
Taylors College
Ultimate Frisbee Player
El-Ninos Team



Liew Bi Hui

I Kid You Not - Marvin Liew


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Aquarium Generator

Words of the Day


1. a bow or arc of prismatic colors appearing in the heavens opposite the sun and caused by the refraction and reflection of the sun's rays in drops of rain.

2. a similar bow of colors, esp. one appearing in the spray of a waterfall or fountain.

3. any brightly multicolored arrangement or display.

4. a wide variety or range; gamut.

[from UrbanDictionary]


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