Anyway, my main purpose for today's blog is not tat...
I as a Free Thinker, a trule free thinker, who accepts anything, fiction or facts, would like to introduce one important term.
For those who are not familiar with the term, i'm going to give you a simple explanation. Ok.
Imagine, you plucked a leaf off a tree. That one leaf might affect the photosynthesis of the plant. In return, the plant dies and returns to the soil as a dead artifact. After years and years, the tree becomes fertilizer or some sort of biomass material.
The main point here is: Small variations of the initial condition may produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system. for example, a ball placed at the crest of a hill might roll into any of several valleys depending on slight differences in initial position.
The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that ultimately cause a tornado to appear (or prevent a tornado from appearing). The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale phenomena. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different.
The origin and concept of the term came from Edward Lorenz. Lorenz was using a numerical computer model to rerun a weather prediction, when, as a shortcut on a number in the sequence, he entered the decimal .506 instead of entering the full .506127 the computer would hold. The result was a completely different weather scenario.[2] Lorenz published his findings in a 1963 paper for the New York Academy of Sciences noting that "One meteorologist remarked that if the theory were correct, one flap of a seagull's wings could change the course of weather forever."
Now, here's the funny and hard part.. There's a equation to it.
In the show Butterfly Effect: Evan Treborn (Ashton Kutcher), when reading from his adolescent journals, is able to essentially "redo" parts of his past. As he continues to do this, he realizes that even though his intentions are good, the actions he takes always have unintended consequences.
In the 1952 short story by Ray Bradbury, "A Sound of Thunder", the killing of a butterfly during the time of dinosaurs causes the future to change in subtle but meaningful ways: e.g., the spelling of English and the outcome of a political election.
In The Simpsons Halloween episode, "Time and Punishment", Homer repeatedly travels back to the time of dinosaurs with a time machine (à la Bradbury's A Sound of Thunder). Each time there, Homer's actions (involving intentional and unintentional violence) drastically alter the current universe. Some of the changes include: A world dictator, a universe where his family is rich and classy and it rains donuts, and a seemingly normal universe, with the exception of everyone having long reptilian tongues.
In a 2004 television episode of comedy sitcom Scrubs called "My Butterfly", the episode is shown in two parts: The first in which a butterfly lands on a woman sitting in the hospital's waiting room, and the second where time is rewound and the butterfly instead lands on the man next to her. Both halves of the episode show the noticeably (albeit sensationally) different outcomes that stem directly from the original choice of landing locations of this butterfly.
In a second season episode of CSI titled "Chaos Theory", the entire CSI team investigates a disappearance of a young woman at a local university. Forensics leads them to possible suspects, and possible suspects all have probable motives, but nothing seems to pan out. This leads the team to discuss the "Chaos Theory": when combined, many seemingly innocuous events may have a deadly outcome, and closure is not always within reach.
Now here's a fact!! The third season premiere of Heroes is entitled "The Butterfly Effect." XD
Anyway, guys, this is no joke... We better think twice before we do something that hurts the environment.. Everyone got tat? Now i'm going to throw the rubbish somewhere, so....
This is Redrum, checking out.. !!
♥ 1:14 AM
I'm officially changing my blog theme... I'm sick of being forgiven at last... People have been forgiving me all this while, so what for continue the Emo theme?
Now, here's a nice theme... Redrum. Alot of people will ask what does Redrum mean... For those who are smart and who've read it before, good for you... If you deno, ask me den...
This new theme suits my character... I'm very devilish and cheeky. And I love hell, fire (in a positive point of view) and other demonic things.. Muahaha...
Excuse me for now... I have some soul reaping to do...
See you in HELL!!
Saturday, April 26, 2008 ♥ 9:26 AM
Haiz, dis whole week so tiring. Haven been in class for like, a week or two liao... Not becoz of sports day, becoz... of MSSM...
A lot of ppl asked me: Wat event u're taking? Make sure get gold medal? U can or not? U? Running? (muahaha)
Yes, yes, tat's how u guys asked.. U sarcastic monkeys.. Wats wif de questions... And dis is how i'll reply.. I cant translate in monkey language.. U figure it out urself..
I'm taking part in something important. Gold medal? I give u gold chocolate bar, wan? Can la of coz... I not pondan aso... I can run... I got 28 for Merentas Desa ok?
I'm sick of u guys looking down on me... I'm not a sissy. I wear a tie everyday, I do sissy acts (jus to liven up the mood), I go library everyday does not make me a nerd, does not mean i cant run... And most of all, does not prove i'm a girl... If u wan to see a girl, see de guy sitting 2 seats on my right... Ish...
Anyway, MY ACTUAL JOB for MSSM was FILMING AND RECORDING. We are suppose to make a documentation for it.. Being paid RM45 for the whole ting, I tink we're overworked and underpaid... Seriously... Under the sun for long hours and taking the same boring events one after another while watching countless blunders and failed attempts... Dese is horrifying man...
I tink I have improved and qualified from a Chinese to Malay and finally to an Indian. The only difference between me and an Indian is dis:
I cant speak Indian. I cant rap like dey do but i can talk english wif deir accent... My ass and body is white... Theirs are born black.. I cant run as fast as dey do.. But i surely can beat dem in chinese chess.. XD
For 5 days. (1st day was opening ceremony, i din go), I've seen muscular girls, to black chinese girls, to white malay girls, to girls that look like boys, to boys tat are girls, to blind ppl hu can walk and run in a straight line, to deaf ppl hu can listen to the gunfire... Our country is amazing. izn't it....?! X.X
It was fun at some part, and not at some...
Friday morning, I went back to skul to pass up my 1 week late report and Bio Peka. I saw Ah Bee and told her wat was happening. I said sorry. Then she reply:dun nid say sorry to me... Say sorry to urself...
I was like, uber stunned, or as dey called it----stone... Yea, well, sry i was enjoying my time while de others were suffering and smelling poisonous chemicals... Yea, sry bout tat man...
BM tuition on Friday was dam syok... Power aka Electricity kept tripping. Yeng nya.. At first i tot it was my handphone charger tat caused it. Coz the first tripping started exactly when i plugged my charger. Yes, Edusmart have hidden sockets in every room. I happen to sit next to one... Yeng mar? For emergency cases, i can charge my phone or even hook up a small fridge dere man.. Awesome... Anyway, back to topic.. I tot it was my charger.. But den, found out it was from another room. Wasted, If it was my charger, i swear i'll trip de electricity whenever i wan it to. Every 20 seconds, perhaps? muahahaha.I'm Kevin Almighty...
So, tat pretty much sums up my week... Dam sien man i tell u. Missed many lessons and classes, cannot see her coz stuck in a bloody stadium. Missed bullying my frens and chatting wif dem.. XD Obviously, I Form 5 liao, dis is my last year to waste before i enter NS or college. So, wth. Might as well make full use of it...
Life's a test.... Life's a examination.... To test the weak and the strong... To test the stupid and the smart... To seek an answer and question... To determine why idiots are idiots... And nerds are nerds... To question why got so many annoying people... To question my feelings for her... To ask myself wat izit tat i'm feeling... To let me know why i care for her so much... To find out why i shared my secrets wif her... To 520 means preparing to sacrifice...
I hope tings will turn out fine... But I dun have the time for anyone.. Tat's de prob.. I'm a workaholic... I suppose... But tat doesn't mean i dun have time for personal life... Tat's for sure...
I'll take life as it comes...
♥ 8:04 AM
Pavillion... Last year... I tink... XD
Saturday, April 19, 2008 ♥ 7:01 AM
Coz dam sien... Today i'll blog about... Erm, cosplays lar... I went googling and found some of the nice and ugly cosplayers... Pls hav a view...
Ichimaru, Ichigo, XXX (4got hu), Inoue (bleach) Non Asian cosplayin = ugly
Proven yet again... (death note)
But dere are hot ones...
Now for uglies...
Dey're better off scaring ppl wif deir ugly pics..
Naruto oso hav...
Now so heng meh? Cosplay... Den i aso wan cosplay Jay Chow lor.. =D
Friday, April 18, 2008 ♥ 8:35 AM
Name: Chong Kian Seong Nickname: Kevin, Ayori... (fav) Seong Name you wish you had: (As long as its Japanese) What do people normally mistaken your name as: My chinese name and english name pronunciation is different... Birthday: 121/5/91 : ) Birthplace: assunta Time Of Birth: 5.30am. i'm sure. I planned it...=D Single or taken: taken. one hand clapping thou. Zodiac Sign: gemini and taurus.. Ask me y got double..
How tall are you: Take Yao Ming and divide by two. Wish you were taller?: I'm a cili padi. Short or long hair: short Ever dyed your hair a bizzare colour?: never Last time you did something dramatic with your hair: straightened it. Glasses or contacts?: nope Do you wear makeup?: no. x) i'm all natural Ever had hair extensions? no. (wats wif de hair questions) Paint your nail?: hahaha. yes. (liquid paper, marker pen) not on purpose.
Shy or outgoing?: Outgoing. n Shy. Depends wif hu i'm together. Looks or personality?: Personality. i guess. Looks... 60% Sexy or cute?: uhh. can be both mar? if cannot den cute lor. Older or younger?: younger. Of coz. Turn on: nice heart. ^^ Turn off: bitchy Flowers or chocolates?: choc... Pepsi or coke?: i say NO to diabetes.. Rap or rock?: Raprock... Relationship or one night stand?: relationship, ONS not my stuff. School or work?: school. but workin actually. (overwork, underpaid) Love or money?: huh? both la duh.. Country or city?: Err, a city is in a country rite? (wth question iz dis) Friends or family?: currently, my online frens..
Lied?: white lies, yes... Real lies, once an hour... Stole something?: everythin but a girl's heart. Smoked: nicotine stinks. Hurt someone close to you: been dere, done tat. Broke someone's heart?:(pls refer above) Wish you were a prince/princess: No freedom.. No thx. Shaved your head?: i'm not converting to monk. Been in love: yup. Used chopsticks: i use dem to poke my eye... ?? Sang in the mirror to yourself?: I tok crap to myself.
Colour: purple, ungu : ) Movie: Train Man (jap) Word/Phrase: ****, ***** (censored here, but not near me) Location: bed
Ever cried over someone?: yep. (no details) Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself: my idiotness
Xin Lin Jia Da Shawn Kevang Tay Yi Ping
♥ 7:37 AM
Today weirdly tuition cancelled coz teacher (ada kematian).... not he die.. Someone die and he had to be dere la... Somewhere.. So he's good gay fren teacher told us about his disappearance and therefore asked us to complete the essay he was about to give us...
Not wanting to waste time, 6 of us ponteng aje. Jack, Malcolm, Shawn, Kee Nen, Jia Da, Me... We all went INC "yam cha"... Which means, spending time in front of a colored screen and scrolling mouse.. U noe la.. De first idea was to play Dota wan. 3 v 3. Den every1 prefer CS, so play CS lor..
First map, oilrig only lasted 30 seconds coz no one reli noes de map... Den we played i tink is De Dust 2... I deno map, so i kena pawn by Malcolm... Dam geng man tat fella. I'll explain later. Next was De Dust 1. My fav map althou long time din play. I totally pawned tat match.. Owning, killing spree... XD So fun man..
I'll list out de names. Me= Dulan Seong Jack= Soh Jack Shawn= Dulanmin Kee Nen= No More Jia Da= Jeremitayloric Malcolm= MalcolmZai
Ok, ok.. De Dust 2. Malcolm totally killed us all. He is very powerful wif a magnum and desert eagle. He is deadly, i warn u. He can misfire yet kill u. Chicken or luck, i hav no idea. But it happened veli often. It's true. Jack, well, wasn't reli good. Shawn, me and kee nen veli hard play coz malcolm kept killing us. Jia Da, aka Jeremitayloric... Alwayz Gap my screen... Well, not always, but whenever i kena shot by him.. Means he gap la... Ish... Anyway, Malcolm, 40++ kills... Top scorer.
Round 2. De Dust. Ok, i admit. Starting i camp at Counter's fav site. U noe de edge dere la. But after tat i serang n charge in only. Dis time i killed Malcolm jus as often as he killed me. So not so bad like de first round. Anyway, main ting is:
Me=60++ kills MalcolmWin=Me The rest fared well, better den de first game la. more kills n more laughter. Which is de whole meaning of playin CS... =D
My purpose for todays blog is to introduce to u guys...
alot of ppl tink tat, oh FF7 is about Cloud and Aeris... or Tifa...
Well, i can shoot you guys back and tell u tat is a lie.
Not many ppl noe dis but FF7 actually composes of 4 stories...
I'm sure u guys started de FF7 story by playin de game, FF7, rite?
WeLL, the truth is, the game u played is not the first of the FF7 series. Before this game lies the beautiful PSP RPG..
FF7: Crisis Core (prequel)
And meet Aeris's BF, Hero of this game, aka Zach..
Back then, he was the most powerful soldier among everyone. Better den Sephiroth and Cloud. Cloud was a newbie, a newcomer. Zach, Sephiroth n Cloud were best friends, fighting together.. Tat is until Sephiroth found out he was genetically modified and created from Genova. So, de battle begins, yadda yadda yadda.. Note tat dere is another red-colored soldier named Genesis or sumthin. He is veli cool and almost as good as Zach..
In the end, in order to save Cloud's ass, Zach, Sephiroth and Genesis all died... Thx to Cloud u freaking noob... Aeris who was already with Zach in this episode shows y in the game Cloud likes Aeris but did not make any move... She was the GF of his most valuable, dead fren. But the ending was nice.. Check it out.. BGM=Why by Ayaka
Ok, now we will skip FF7 story and go to FF7: Advent Children. In this sequel, Cloud realizes his mistakes and compensates for it... Blah blah blah, i'm sure most of u guys have seen it, needless for me to explain..
Finally we have FF7: Last Order (anime) This story leh, contains bit of Crisis Core and FF7 game... The anime shows how Sephiroth killed Tifa's father and Cloud's mom.. Next, Sephiroth finds out hu he is and destroys everythin.. Sephiroth was destroyed. Zach was shot. And Cloud went in search of Tifa... Tat's pretty much it.. It reli pays to see Tifa cry... This is one sadistic Anime...
So, dere it is... De 4 FF7's tat i jus introduced and bet u din noe...
This is the remake of FF7 in PS3 The graphics are delicious.. Be sure to catch it...
Bye, bye...
Saturday, April 5, 2008 ♥ 7:31 AM
Now I going to make review about some animes tat I've watched and finished and some that I got too frustrated to continue.
The anime list will not go according to alphabetical order.
Fullmetal Alchemist/Fullmetal Alchemist:Conquerer of Shambala 8.5/10 Pro: Good storyline. Great ending. Cons: Must follow episode or else u'll get lost.
Busou Renkin 5/10 Pro: First few episodes were nice. Cons: Lousy ending. Naked villain walking around.
Digimon 8/10 Pro: Digimon 1,2,3 was great. 5 was okay only. 5 copied Digimon 1. Cons: Digimon 4 was a total ripoff.
One Piece 9/10 Pro: Funny like shit. The whole team is cool. Storyline keeps changing. Cons: Anime contains stories not concerning the actual storyline.
Bleach 6/10 Pro: Good idea. Bankai, shikai n de sword weapons. Cons: Idiotic Bound storyline. Storyline is dull. Yeng only in power, skill of an individual.
Naruto/Shippuden 7/10 Pro: Skills and story changes alot. Impressive graphics. Cons: Focuses on so many ninjas when de main title is Naruto. Endless blood shedding yet little death.
Death Note 8.5/10 Pro: Great mood and attitude. Evil. Best graphics. Best Ending out of all the Death Note stories. Cons: Story of battle between Light n Nia was short. Like 12-13 episodes only.
Cooking Master Boy 5.5/10 Pro: Nice food. Realistic. Cons: Over the top expressin the tastiness of de food and style of cooking.
Gintama 9.5/10 Pro: Nice graphic. Funny. Uses the current issues and condemns dem while making it funny. Cons: Speeches are too fast. Veli hard to catch up.
.Hack Twilight of the Bracelet 4.5/10 Pro: Toks more about killing monsters den other .hack animes. Cons: Too short. Comics way better.
.Hack roots 5.5/10 Pro: Great effects and graphic. Cons: Lousy storyline and characters. Totally trying to promote de game.
Dragon Drive 6.5/10 Pro: Great storyline. Nice different looks of dragons. Cons: Another battle storyline.
Gundam Seed/Seed Destiny 8/10 Pro: Nice mobile suits. Nice storyline. Great songs n BGMs. Cons: too little battles and too much mind games.
Fafner 7/10 Pro: Sadistic storyline which is nice. Same graphic like Gundam Seed. Cons: Concept and image left in ppls mind is not strong.
Dragon Ball/Z/GT 7/10 Pro: Best anime from olden times. Long fighting sequences but cool. Cons: GT was boring when dey travelled between planets.
Descendants of darkness 4/10 Pro: Great CGI effects. Cool monsters. Cons: Short story. Gay anime.
Rave 8/10 Pro: Lovely story. Great idea. Cons: Purposely leave us at episode 50 so u will buy de comic.
Hunter X Hunter/Greed Island 8.5/10 Pro: Twisting story. Cool fighting scenes. Cons: The spider cult part was unnecesarry n boring. Only shows Culapica's powers.
Eyeshield 21 7/10 Pro: Great Story. Main characters are cool especially the captain. Funny. Cons: Too long n boring for de matches.
Shaman King 8/10 Pro: Yeng. Dam yeng. Nice coloring n backgrounds. Cons: Could've been longer. Comic's storyline was better.
Zombie Loan 4/10 Pro: none. Cons: Short n boring. Nth interesting.
Getbackers 7/10 Pro: Nice fighting scenes. Uncommon battle styles. Cons: Storyline could've gone further. Last few episodes meant nth.
Dere's still alot which i can't remember. When i do, i'll post it up.
♥ 7:00 AM
Final Fantasy XIII
The game everyone has been waiting for... All fans of Final Fantasy will love this latest game. The biggest, and most exciting game for PS3.. And from wat i've read, it is a veli fun game..
This game is divided into two games. Final Fantasy XIII & Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Ok... Lets talk about Final Fantasy XIII first..
This is the main character. Lightning. She resembles Cloud from FF7 in a way. They made her blond, agile and powerful like Cloud. Do not be fooled by her looks. She is one mean machine. The graphics for this game is perfect. Beautiful. Both battle and story mode contains the same graphic. Just imagine how cool is tat?
See how beautiful it looks? This is just de starting.. Jus imagine when u're halfway thru de game. To catch out the trailer. Go here
Okay, our next game. FFXIII Versus tells us of a more darker story.Final Fantasy Versus XIII reflects our world today, and it's "ugly issues". Versus is darker, more close to home emotional story. The main character in Versus is a Prince, the heir to the throne, the thrown to the last Kingdom where the crystal was held. The Kingdom is modern and advanced much further the outside world, to the point that they've basically isolated themselves within. The city nation is said to be protected by a Magic Order, whom must stand against an invasion in the Kingdom. This fight over the last crystal is said to only be the beginning of a new generation.
One has got to love how cool Prince looks.
He is 10 times cooler den Tidus of FFX or Cloud of FF7. He can stop bullets, as shown in the trailer. Like Matrix, but better den NEO.
All n all, dese two are one of the most waited games of the year. But no story could be better den FFX. De ending was perfect and touchin of the tenth annivesary of the game.
Tidus separated wif Yuna.. veli sad ending.
Graphics may not be fantastic for the battles and stuff. But the movies and cutscenes are great and viewable.
1. a bow or arc of prismatic colors appearing in the heavens opposite the sun and caused by the refraction and reflection of the sun's rays in drops of rain.
2. a similar bow of colors, esp. one appearing in the spray of a waterfall or fountain.
3. any brightly multicolored arrangement or display.